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Recently, the Idaho Falls Janitorial Team added a new cordless backpack vacuum to its arsenal.  DWI VP of Industial Services Jackie Bierma stated that "I've had to replace so many cords and each cord has gotten to the price of $50 a piece" The backpack vacuums are ergonomically better for the body and the team loves it, so she purchased the new cordless style.  

The new cordless backpack vacuum provides a combination of safety and efficiency for the team.  Not only is it ergonomically beneficial, but it prevents extension cords from being damaged and allows the team to continue working without having to plug in and unplug numerous times to complete a floor.  A fully charged backpack with an extra battery has been able to function for the entire shift and complete the square footage required.

As a non-profit agency, the only challenge is the investment cost of over $2,000, but if the test run proves positive, Jackie may roll it out to other teams. She said that she could realize some savings from not having to replace damaged extension cords. So far, the feedback has been good.  Idaho Falls Janitor Matt has already named it Pinky (for the color hue), so it has become a new member of the team.

Industrial Services teams from DWI service over 20 Football Fields worth of square footage a day throughout our service area.  DWI Industrial Services provide cleaning services to government and commercial buildings and offices.  For more information on how DWI can provide services for you please call Jackie at 208-524-1550 ext. 1007  


(Matt with "Pinky")